
Imme-Jeanne Klett is Professor of Flute at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, and is committed to the education of young flautists.
She teaches courses in flute and chamber music for

Jeunesses Musicales Germany,
Festival & Academy Musicalta France,
Internationale Summer Academy Croatia,
Chamber Music Initiative for highly talented young musicians at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg under the patronage of Prof. Elmar Lampson,
Summer Music Festival Hitzacker
Online Academy China
and many more.

Her teaching is holistic, aimed at developing musical instincts and promoting unity between player and instrument at every level.
Many of her students are First Prize Winners in competitions such as Jugend musiziert, the Karel Kunc Competition, the Lions Competitions, etc., and now hold leading positions in well-known orchestras or are working successfully as teachers.

Private teaching at all levels,
Preparation for entrance examinations,
Competition coaching,
Mental training,
Adult education.



中国在线学院 - 入学考试准备和大师班 等更多音乐机构。




  • 音乐会和考试准备
  • 比赛辅导
  • 心理训练
  • 不同水平的私人课程